Condensed Matter Physics, 1996, No. 7, p. 27-52, English
We review the nonasymptotic critical temperature dependence of the hydrodynamic transport coefficients in pure fluids near the critical point and in mixtures near the consolute point calculated in lowest nontrivial order of renormalization group theory. Two dynamical background parameters of the theory (respectively three for the mixtures) are fixed by fitting one of the transport coefficients (we take the shear viscosity). The other transport coefficents are then predicted without any adjustable parameter. Our analysis shows good agreement with the asymptotic one loop value of the Kawasaki amplitude R=1.056. Deviations of the transport coefficients in the asymptotic region are due to the one loop approximation for the asymptotic exponents.Comments: Refs. 51, Figs. 6, Tabs. 3.
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