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Joseph Yose (Personal webpage)

Coventry University, Minitab, Coventry, United Kingdom

This work evolved from our project on narrative networks, specifically " A Networks-ScienceInvestigation into Ossian's Epic Poems ". Some of the approaches we created for analysingmediaeval texts are now being employed in the manufacturing industry to improve and changeprocesses, allowing for the construction of through-process tracking on materials, products andservices [1-4].

Part of achieving corporate objectives is identifying key vital factors that must be controlled in orderto meet or exceed annual targets, and through-process-tracking becomes an important componentof this.

With our approach, we can facilitate a systematic data-driven approach ranging from identifyingbusiness goals, collecting and transforming data to building models. The goal is to gain a deeperunderstanding, make forecasts, or provide recommendations. By connecting processes andcapturing process data, an aggregated 'Digital Passport' for each end product is created, makingStatistical Quality Analysis more easier.


[2] Yose, J., Kenna, R., MacCarron, P., Platini, T., and Tonra, J., A networks-science investigation into the epic poems of Ossian, Advances in Complex Systems 19 (2016) 1650008.
[3] Yose, J., A network scientific approach to the quantitative analysis of epic texts, Ph.D. thesis, Coventry University (2017).
[4] Yose, J., Kenna, R., MacCarron, M., and MacCarron, P., Network analysis of the viking age in Ireland as portrayed in cogadh gaedhel re gallaibh, Royal Society open science 5 (2018) 171024.