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Janusz Hołyst (Personal webpage)

Warsaw University of Technology

Various models of social dynamics will be presented and resulting equilibrium or non-equilibrium phase transitions will be discussed. It will be shown how a presence of a strong leader in a small community can effect in discontinuous and non-reversible jumps of opinion dynamics. It will be presented that a smaller but better organized social group can beat a larger one. Phenomenon of communities isolation will be demonstrated using a random version of the Chinese game Go.


[1] K. Kacperski, J.A. Hołyst. Opinion formation model with strong leader and external impact: a mean field approach. J. Phys. A, 269 (1999) 511-526.
[2] J.A. Hołyst, K. Kacperski, F. Schweitzer. Phase transitions in social impact models of opinion formation. J. Phys. A, 285 (2000) 199-210.
[3] A. Aleksiejuk, J.A. Hołyst, D. Stauffer. Ferromagnetic phase transition in Barabasi-Albert networks. J. Phys. A, 310 (2002) 260-266.
[4] K. Suchecki, J.A. Hołyst. Ising model on two connected Barabasi-Albert networks. Phys. Rev. E,74 (2006) 011122.
[5] K. Suchecki, J.A. Hołyst. First order phase transition in Ising model on two connected Barabasi-Albert networks. Phys. Rev. E, 74 (2006) 011122.
[6] J. Sienkiewicz, J.A. Hołyst. Nonequilibrium phase transition due to social group isolation. Phys. Rev. E, 80 (2009) 036103.