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Victor Dotsenko (Personal webpage)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Long standing problem of the nature of the phase transitions inweakly disordered Ising-like statistical systems [1] is consideredfrom the point of view of the recent developments in the replicamethod [2]. In particular, non-perturbative [3] andnon-selfaveraging [4] phenomena in the critical point areconsidered, as well as the possibility of the universal probabilitydistribution function for non-self averaging free energy criticalfluctuations is discussed [5].


[1] V. Dotsenko. Critical phenomena and quencheddisorder. Physics-Uspekhi, 38, No.5 (1995) 457; V. Dotsenko.Introduction to the Replica Theory of Disordered StatisticalSystems. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
[2] V. Dotsenko. One more discussion of thereplica trick: the example of the exact solution. PhilosophicalMagazine, 92, (2012) 16; V. Dotsenko. Replica solution of theRandom Energy Model. EPL, 95, (2011) 50006; V. Dotsenko.Universal Randomness. Physics-Uspekhi, 54, (2011) 259.
[3] V. Dotsenko. Non-pertrurbative states in disorderedsystems. Phys. A, 361, (2006) 463.
[4] S. Wiseman, E. Domany. Lack of self-averaging in criticaldisordered systems. Phys. Rev. E, 52 (1995) 3469; A. Aharony,B. Harris. Absence of self-averaging and universal fluctuations inrandom systems near critical points. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77,(1996) 3700; S. Wiseman, E. Domany. Finite-size scaling and lack ofself-averaging in critical disordered systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, (1998) 22.
[5] V. Dotsenko, B. Klumov. Free Energy Distribution Function of aRandom Ising ferromagnet. J. Stat. Mech. (2012) P05027.