Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
Covered by Web of Science Core Collection
EPS Recognized by the European Physical Society


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Instructions to authors

Submission: A manuscript should be prepared with the help of publishing system LaTeX using special rules for design and style formats. Style files and templates can be downloaded here [~550 kb] or from CTAN. cmpj package is included in the latest mikTeX and TeXlive distributions and you can add it to your installation using their package managers.

New! The manuscripts should be submitted via the web-interface.

Rapid Communication. This section contains short papers (up to 6 pages long) reporting new and timely developments in the condensed matter theory. Average receive-to acceptance time of this material is two months.

We greatly encourage submission of Review articles that cover the recent achievements in hot areas of contemporary science.

Peer review process Read...

Page charge: There is no page charge.

A very short explanation how to make a good figure for your article

Authors should remember that the final printed quality of illustrations can never be better than the quality of the original artwork.



References should be numbered sequentially through the text and prepared by means of \cite and \bibitem commands, linking citations in the text with their entry in the reference list, which is composed within the standard thebibliography environment.


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