The Workshop proceedings will be published
vol. 4, No 1
- L.Didukh, O.Kramar,
Yu.Skorenkyy. Ferromagnetic ordering in a generalized Hubbard model
- L.Didukh, V.Hankevych.
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of generalized Hubbard model with
correlated hopping at half-filling
- M.Dudka, R.Folk,
Yu.Holovatch. On the critical behaviour of random anisotropy magnets
- J.K.Freericks,
T.P.Devereaux. Non-resonant Raman scattering through a metal-insulator
transition: an exact analysis of the Falicov-Kimball model
- O.I.Gerasimov,
V.A.Idomskyy. Compaction of granylar graphite in vertikally vibrated
container within the restricted geometry
- Z.Gurskii, J.Krawczyk.
Ab initio derivation of interatomic interactions in transition metals
- A.Kiselev, O.Yaroshchuk,
Yu.Zakrevskyy, A.Tereshchenko. On biaxiality of photoinduced structures
in azopolymer films
- E.Lomba, F.Lado,
J.J.Weis. An integral equation approach to orientational phase transitions
in two and three dimensional disordered systems
- H.Okajima, T.Kawamura,
C.Kongo, Y.Hiwatari, N.Urakami, R.Hayashi, K.Kato. Monte Carlo and
molecular dynamics studies for the color rewritable films
- I.V.Pylyuk,
M.P.Kozlovskii. 3D Ising system in an external field. Recurrence relations
for the asymmetric r6 model
- Ch.-P.E.Varsamis,
A.Vegiri, E.I.Kamitsos. A Molecular Dynamics Study of Li-doped Borate
- I.V.Stasyuk,
K.V.Tabunshchyk. Pseudospin-electron model in the self-consistent
gaussian fluctuation approximation
- A.M.Shvaika.
Strong coupling Hartree-Fock approximation in the dynamical mean-field
- Yu.K.Rudavskii,
G.V.Ponedilok, L.A.Dorosh. Electronic states density and spectrum
of disordered s-d model
- Yu.Rudavskii,
G.Ponedilok, Yu.Petriv. Some aspects of tight-binding approach in
chemisorption theory
- A.Duviryak,
A.Nazarenko, V.Tretyak. Classical relativistic system of N charges.
Hamiltonian description, forms of dynamics, and partition function
vol. 4, No 2
- R.H.Anderson,
M.D.Miller. The properties of thin 3He-4He superfluid films
- T.Kahlbaum.
The reduced distribution functions for charged particles with many-body
- M.F.Lednei,
I.P.Pinkevich, T.J.Sluckin. Light scattering by filled liquid crystals
in anomalous-diffraction approach
- K.Miyazaki,
G.Srinivas, B.Bagchi. The Enskog theory for self-diffusion coefficients
of simple fluids with continuous potentials
- Xiao-jun Li,
M. Schick. Self-assembly of copolymers and lipids
- P.P.J.M.Schram,
G.J.F. van Heijst, T.S.Krasnapolskaya, S.A.Trigger. Models for stress
distribution in sandpiles
- V.Reshetnyak,
S.Subota. Self-action of a Gaussian beam in a nematic liquid crystal
- O.V.Patsahan,
R.S.Melnyk, M.P.Kozlovskii. Non-universal critical properties of a
symmetrical binary fluid mixture
- O.F.Batsevych,
I.M.Mryglod, Yu.K.Rudavskii, M.V.Tokarchuk. Hydrodynamic excitation
spectrum and time correlation functions for the multicomponent mixtures
of magnetic and nonmagnetic particles
- V.I.Kapko, M.F.Holovko.
Associative electrolyte solution near the charge hard wall. Density,
charge polarization and potential profiles
- D.T.Wassan,
A.Nikolov, A.Trokhymchuk, D.Henderson. Collodal suspensions confined
to the film: local structure and film stability
- M.Zoppi, M.Celli,
U.Bafile, E.Guarini, M.Neumann. On the microscopic structure of liquid
- V.V.Ignatyuk
Short-wavelength asymptotics of time correlation functions
- E.V.Vakarin,
M.F.Holovko, J.P.Badiali. Adsorbate-induced melting of ``soft'' surfaces
- Yu.G.Medvedevskikh.
Flory method and Pietronero's conception
- Yu.G.Medvedevskikh.
Thermodynamics of conformation and deformation of linear polymeric
chains in solution
issue of "J. Mol. Liq."
- K.A.Chalyi,
K.Hamano, A.V.Chalyi. Correlating properties of a simple liquid at
criticality in a reduced geometry.
- O.Yaroshchuk,
Yu.Reznikov, Y.-S.Choi, S.-B.Kwon. Electrooptical properties of filled
chiral nematics.
- M.F.Lednei,
I.P.Pinkevich, V.Yu.Reshetnyak, T.J.Sluckin. Rayleigh-Gans theory
of light scattering by liquid crystals filled with cylindrical particles.
- V.Reshetnyak,
O.Shevchuk. Operating voltage in the inplane-switching of nematic
liquid crystals.
- M.F.Holovko,
S.Kondrat. Correction of Landau-Ginzburg models with continuous microscopic
approach for self-assembling systems.
- T.Patsahan,
A.Trokhymchuk, M.F.Holovko. The structure and dynamical properties
of fluid in porous media from molecular dynamics and replica integral
equations approach.
- T.Bryk, I.Mryglod.
Origin of kinetic collective modes in pure and binary liquids.
- Yu.V.Kalyuzhnyi,
M.Yu.Druchok. Structure of a 3-component polyelectrolyte solution
model with dimerizing counterions and coions.
- Yu.V.Kalyuzhnyi,
C.-T.Lin, G. Stell, A.Yethiraj. Structural and thermodynamic properties
of a freely-joined Yukawa hard-sphere chain fluid.
- I.P.Omelyan,
D.Ben-Amotz. Chemical potentials of chains solutes in hard body fluids.
- O.V.Derzhko,V.M.Myhal.
Nucleation phenomena in a nonuniform atomic fluid in the electrical
- J.M.Ilnytskyi,
M.R.Wilson. Molecular models in computer simulation of liquid crystals.
- D.Henderson.
Simulation and Theory of the Electrochemical Double Layer for Strong
Ionic Interactions.
- M.Muller, K.Binder,
E.V.Albano. Phase diagram of polymer blends in confined geometry.
- A.-L.Rollet,
M.Jardat, J.-F.Dufreche, P.Turq, D.Canet. Multiscale dynamics in ionic
- W.Schroer. Generalization
of the Kirkwood-Frolich theory of dielectric polarization of ionic