Here are some feedbacks
from the participants of the Workshop "Modern Problems of Soft Matter Theory".
Prof. Ariel Chialvo,
The Workshop on Modern Problems of Soft Matter at Lviv (Ukraine) was a very successful and productive meeting: a) Well-organized meeting, with timely
sessions, coffee and lunch breaks.
This participant is grateful to the
organizers of this workshop for the invitation to participate, and to the
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States
of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF) for the financial support to make his
attendance possible.
Prof. Douglas Henderson Brigham Young University, Provo UT, USA An excellent meeting. Prof. Holovko
and I were able to initiate a research project and have obtained
promising preliminary results.
Prof. Lesser Blum University of Puerto Rico, Rio Pedras, USA I thought it was a very good meeting,
in general. I would have loved to see more biological applications of statistical
Prof. Michael Miller Washington State University, Pullman, USA This meeting played a very valuable role in fostering contacts and connections between physicists and chemists in the Ukraine and other parts of Europe and the United States who have a common interest in the science of the liquid state.
Prof. Lloyd Lee University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA I consider this meeting a worthwhile
experience. It allowed exchange of scientific ideas between East
and West. The quality of presentation was high. International
experts in the liquid-fluid-soft matter areas could discuss and form collaborations.
I think this is most worthwhile.
Prof. Ewa Hawlicka Institute of Applied Radiochemistry, Lodz' Technical University, Lodz, Poland I would like to thank you for inviting
me on the conference. I enjoyed my stay in Lviv very much. Please
pass my best greetings to all your colleagues from the organizing
Prof. Pierre Turq P. & M. Curie University, Paris, France It was a great pleasure to be in Lviv. Your meeting was beautifuly organized and the scientific contact I had are of unapprocheable value.
Prof. Dor Ben-Amotz Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA The meeting was extremely valuable
and interesting. What made it particularly good was the well
balanced mixture of Ukrainian and US etc. scientists. There
was much new to be learned on both sides, as both scientific traditions
are very strong and well developed, with too few opportunities such as
this for direct exchange of ideas. This was a good idea and it was well
carried out and organized.
First of all I would like to thank you for your hospitality in Lviv and for arranging such an outstanding meeting. The entire visit was very pleasant and interesting. I am very happy that we have met and that we will have an opportunity to work together. The international workshop organized by the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics provided a valuable opportunity to bring together a fairly large group of local and foreign scientists representing several diverse areas of condensed phase theory and experiment. The workshop was very well organized with a well selected venue and accomodations. The hospitality of the hosts was exceptional by any standards. Considering the harsh economic situation makes the accomplishment of the local organizers even more impressive. In terms of the scientific program, most striking was the uniformly high level of the mathematical skills of both the senior researchers and the graduate students from L'viv and the Ukraine in general. This would be difficult to match at most US institutions. As far as the style of work is concerned, there is a clear emphasis on obtaining closed form solutions and approximations, rather than relying on computationally intensive simulations. Three principal areas of strength emerged from the lectures and poster presentations: 1. Statistical theory
of complex solutions, particularily electrolytes and ionic liquids (L'viv)
It was noticed by several foreigh visitors,
including myself, that in many presentations the link between theory and
experiment was weak or absent. Undoubtedly, this stems from the disparity
between the long standing strength of theory and the lack of resources
for experimental work. Considering the increasingly facil communication
and exchange with foreign scientists it will be crucial to teach the younger
researchers to cast their work within the context of exisiting or potential
experiments. Especially in an area of theory with such broad applied
relevance, ranging from materials science through process control through
to biological and envirnomentla problems, it will be very important to
bridge this gap. Meetings and workshops of this type will certainly
play a significant role in making this happen.
Wolffram Schroer University of Bremen, Germany It was a great meeting in Lwiw.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.