Condensed Matter Physics, 2019, vol. 22, No. 2, 23704
Size effects of a nanoobject in magnetic field
B.A. Lukiyanets
(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandera St., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine)
D.V. Matulka
(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandera St., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine)
A theoretical analysis of physical properties of the effect of size of a nanoobject in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped whose sides a, b, c, are
oriented along the OX, OY, OZ, respectively, is carried out. In the framework of the perturbation theory, changes in the electronic spectrum of the nanoobject
caused by an external magnetic field B, depending on its size, are analyzed. We consider two cases of the fields which are described 1) by the Landau gauge,
A(r) = (0, Bx ,0) (B is oriented along the side c) and 2) by A(r) = (Bz, 0, αBy) (α is a
parameter; at α = 0, B is directed along OX axis, and at α = 1, B is directed along the diagonal in XOY plane).
Firstly, it is shown that the first correction to the spectrum is zero, regardless of B orientation. Secondly, it is established that, in contrast to the case of
the field orientation 1), where the correction does not depend on the length of c, in the case 2) such correction depends both on c and on its ratios to the
lengths of a and b. There was found the existence of such nanoobject sizes in XOY plane at which the corrections to the spectrum are the same for different
lengths of c of the nanoobject.
Key words:
nanoobject, magnetic field, electronic spectrum, size effect