Condensed Matter Physics, 2018, vol. 21, No. 4, 43705
Theoretical study of the structural stability, electronic and magnetic properties of XVSb (X = Fe, Ni, and Co) half-Heusler compounds
M. Mokhtari
(Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, LEPM, BP 1505, El M' Naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria; Département de SM, Institut des Sciences et des
Technologies, Centre Universitaire de Tissemsilt, 38000 Tissemsilt, Algérie)
F. Dahmane
(Département de SM, Institut des Sciences et des Technologies, Centre Universitaire de Tissemsilt, 38000 Tissemsilt, Algérie)
G. Benabdellah
(Laboratoire de physique Computationnelle des Materiaux, Université de Sidi Belabes 22000, Algérie)
L. Zekri
(Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, LEPM, BP 1505, El M' Naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria)
S. Benalia
(Département de SM, Institut des Sciences et des Technologies, Centre Universitaire de Tissemsilt, 38000 Tissemsilt, Algérie)
N. Zekri
(Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, LEPM, BP 1505, El M' Naouar, 31000 Oran, Algeria)
The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of half-Heusler compounds XVSb (X = Fe, Co and Ni) are investigated by using the density functional theory with generalized gradient
approximation (GGA), and Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) exchange potential approximation. It is found that the half-metallic gaps are generally reasonably widened by mBJ
as compared to the GGA approximation. The magnetic proprieties of XVSb (X = Fe, Co and Ni) are well defined within mBJ with an exact integer value of magnetic moment. The band
gaps given by TB-mBJ are in good agreement with the available theoretical data. The FeVSb exhibits a semiconductor nature. The CoVSb and NiVSb present half-metallic behaviour with
total magnetic moment of 1μB and 2μB in good agreement with Slater-Pauling rule. These alloys seem to be a potential candidate of spintronic devices.
Key words:
first-principles calculations, half-Heusler alloys, structural properties, magnetic properties
71.22.+i, 72.25.-b, 75.75.-c