Condensed Matter Physics, 2018, vol. 21, No. 4, 43001
DOI:10.5488/CMP.21.43001           arXiv:1806.08526

Title: Transitions from low-density state towards high-density state in stochastic bistable plasma-condensate systems
  A.V. Dvornichenko (Sumy State University, 2 Rymskyi-Korsakov St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine) ,
  V.O. Kharchenko (Sumy State University, 2 Rymskyi-Korsakov St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine; Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 58 Petropavlivska St., 40000 Sumy, Ukraine) ,
  D.O. Kharchenko (Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 58 Petropavlivska St., 40000 Sumy, Ukraine)

In this article we study transitions from low-density states towards high-density states in bistable plasma-condensate systems. We take into account an anisotropy in transference of adatoms between neighbour layers induced by the electric field near substrate. We derive the generalized one-layer model by assuming that the strength of the electric field is subjected to both periodic oscillations and multiplicative fluctuations. By studying the homogeneous system we discuss the corresponding mean passage time. In the limit of weak fluctuations, we show the optimization of the mean passage time with variation in the frequency of periodic driving in the non-adiabatic limit. Noise induced effects corresponding to asynchronization and acceleration in the transition dynamics are studied in detail.

Key words: stochastic systems, bistable systems, mean passage time
PACS: 05.10.Gg, 05.40.-a, 05.45.-a

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