Condensed Matter Physics, 2017, vol. 20, No. 2, 23702
The perfect spin injection in silicene FS/NS junction
H.-Y. Tian
(Department of Physics, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu 224051, China)
N. Xu
(Department of Physics, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu 224051, China)
G. Luo
(Department of Physics, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu 224051, China)
Ch.-D. Ren
(Department of Physics, Zunyi Normal Colleage, Guizhou 563002, China)
We theoretically investigate the spin injection from a ferromagnetic silicene to a normal silicene (FS/NS), where the magnetization in the FS is assumed from the magnetic proximity effect. Based on a
silicene lattice model, we demonstrated that the pure spin injection could be obtained by tuning the Fermi energy of two spin species, where one is in the spin orbit coupling gap and the other one is
outside the gap. Moreover, the valley polarity of the spin species can be controlled by a perpendicular electric field in the FS region. Our findings may shed light on making silicene-based spin and valley
devices in the spintronics and valleytronics field.
Key words:
silicene, spin injection, FS/NS junctions
73.43.-f, 73.43.Nq, 72.80.Ey