Condensed Matter Physics, 2015, vol. 18, No. 4, 43703
Statistical theory of thermodynamic and dynamic properties of the RbHSO4 ferroelectrics
I.R. Zachek
( Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine )
R.R. Levitskii
( Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1Svientsitskii St., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine )
Ya. Shchur
( Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1Svientsitskii St., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine )
O.B. Bilenka
( Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine )
Within the modified four-sublattice model of RbHSO4 with taking into account the piezoelectric coupling to the strains
εi, ε4, ε5, and ε6, the polarization components, static and
dynamic dielectric permittivity of clamped and free crystal are calculated in the mean field approximation. At the proper choice
of the values of the theory parameters, a satisfactory quantitative description of the available experimental data is obtained.
Key words:
ferroelectric, dielectric permittivity, piezomodule
77.22.Ch, 77.22.Gm, 77.65.-j, 77.80.Bh, 77.84.-s