Dear colleagues and readers of our journal,
Last year there appeared one special issue of our journal, i.e., "Self-organization and collective behaviour in complex systems", alongside with three regular issues. This year we start with a special issue entitled "What is liquid?", in honour of Douglas Henderson, a member of our Editorial Board, dedicated to his 80th birthday. The collection of papers to appear in this issue is aimed at providing a critical review of the state of the art and of the open questions posed in the theory of liquids.
The 2013 ISI impact factor of Condensed Matter Physics is 0.771. In total, 246 citations were made in 2014 on the articles published in our journal according to the ISI Web of Science data. It is our pleasure to list herein three most cited papers in 2014, which are: A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Molecular dynamics simulations of ultrathin water film confined between flat diamond plates, Condens. Matter Phys., 2008, 11, 615; A. Honecker, S. Wessel, Magnetocaloric effect in quantum spin-s chains, Condens. Matter Phys., 2009, 12, 399; and D. Ivaneyko, V. Toshchevikov, M. Saphiannikova, G. Heinrich, Effects of particle distribution on mechanical properties of magneto-sensitive elastomers in a homogeneous magnetic field, Condens. Matter Phys., 2012, 15, 33601.
We also introduce changes into editorial processing of the papers and into the editorial structure in order to increase the level of published papers as well as to provide a more rapid service to the authors. In particular, the initial screening of the manuscripts concerning the correspondence for publication in Condensed Matter Physics will be completed by our associate and assistant editors. Please check our web page for the relevant changes in the requirements to the scientific quality of submitted manuscripts. The important statistics regarding the submission process and the related information will be monitored online starting from this year, see our web page for details.
We hope for our fruitful collaboration in the year 2015 and cordially invite you to submit your research to our journal in a form of a regular article, review or a brief communication.
Your CMP team