Condensed Matter Physics, 2013, vol. 16, No. 1, p. 10001

Title: Editorial

Dear colleagues and readers of our journal,

Our journal will turn 20 this year and we are very grateful for your support during all these years. Our impact factor was 0.811 last year and we hope to progress in this respect. We cordially invite you to submit manuscripts covering research in various areas of Condensed and Soft Matter Physics. Brief reports and review papers are especially welcome.

This year we plan for four issues. The first one will contain regular papers as well as the second set of collection of papers ``From Brownian motion to power of fluctuations'' based on the proceedings of the conference ``Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications'', that took place in Lviv, Ukraine, on July 3-6, 2012 (for the first set, see vol. 15, No. 4 of our journal). The second issue in 2013, entitled ``Phase transitions and critical phenomena: universality and non-universal features'', is intended to honour professor M.P. Kozlovskii on the occasion of his 60th birth anniversary. Yet another special issue devoted to the problems of soft matter will be published in a pleasant occasion of professor M.F. Holovko's 70th birthday. The remaining issue is planned as a regular one.

Besides these four issues, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the journal we plan to publish the cumulative author index for the papers that appeared in our journal during 2004-2012 and the journal booklet with some analytic materials. The PDF files will be available on the journal website.

We have received favourable feedback on parallel submission of all the manuscripts onto the ArXiv server of preprints and will continue this practice. Finally, after testing during 2012, the open-source Electronic Publishing system will be introduced for regular use.

We hope for continuation of our collaboration this year. With best wishes,

Editorial team

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