Condensed Matter Physics, 2008, vol. 13, No. 1, p. 13801:1-14
Polar interface optical phonon states and their dispersive properties of a wurtzite GaN quantum dot: quantum size effect
L. Zhang
(Department of Mechanism and Electronic, Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, Guangzhou, 511483, People's Republic of China)
Based on the macroscopic dielectric continuum model, the
interface-optical-propagating (IO-PR) mixing phonon modes of a
quasi-zero-dimensional (Q0D) wurtzite cylindrical quantum dot (QD)
structure are derived and studied. The analytical phonon states of
IO-PR mixing modes are given. It is found that there are two types
of IO-PR mixing phonon modes, i.e. ρ-IO/z-PR mixing
modes and the z-IO/ρ-PR mixing modes existing in Q0D
wurtzite QDs. Each IO-PR mixing mode also has symmetrical and
antisymmetrical forms. Via a standard procedure of field
quantization, the Fröhlich Hamiltonians of electron-(IO-PR)
mixing phonons interaction are obtained. The orthogonal relations of
polarization eigenvectors for these IO-PR mixing modes are also
displayed. Numerical calculations for a wurtzite GaN cylindrical QD
are focused on the quantum size effect on the dispersive properties
of IO-PR mixing modes. The results reveal that both the
radial-direction size and the axial-direction size have great effect
on the dispersive frequencies of the IO-PR mixing phonon modes. The
limiting features of dispersive curves of these phonon modes are
discussed in depth. The phonon modes "reducing" the behavior of
wurtzite quantum confined structures have been explicitly observed
in the systems. Moreover, the behaviors that the IO-PR mixing phonon
modes in wurtzite Q0D QDs reduce to the IO modes and PR modes in
wurtzite Q2D QW and Q1D QWR systems are profoundly analyzed both
from the viewpoint of physics and mathematics. These results show
that the present theories of polar mixing phonon modes in wurtzite
cylindrical QDs are consistent with the phonon modes theories in
wurtzite QWs and QWR systems. The analytical electron-phonon
interaction Hamiltonians obtained here are useful in further
analyzing the phonon effect on optoelectronic properties of wurtzite
Q0D QD structures.
Key words:
wurtzite nitride quantum dots, phonon states, electron-phonon interactions, quantum size effect
81.05.Ea, 78.67.Hc, 63.22.-m, 63.20.Kd