Condensed Matter Physics, 2009, vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 657-663

Title: Microscopic construction of the two-fluid model for superfluid helium-4
  P. Shygorin (Volyn National University of Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk 43025, Avenue Voli, 13, Ukraine) ,
  A. Svidzynskyj (Volyn National University of Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk 43025, Avenue Voli, 13, Ukraine)

Using a system of Heisenberg's equation of motion for both the normal and the anomalous correlation functions a two-fluid hydrodynamics for superfluid helium-4 was constructed. The method is based on a gradient expansion of the exact equations of motion for correlation functions about a local equilibrium together with explicit use of the local equilibrium statistical operator for superfluid helium in the frame of reference, where condensate is in the state of rest.

Key words: two-fluid hydrodynamics, correlation function, superfluid helium, statistical operator
PACS: 67.25.dg

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