Condensed Matter Physics, 2009, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 267-273
On the problem of low-temperature ordering in ferro-antiferroelectric mixed compounds
N.A. Korynevskii
(Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1 Svientsitskii Str., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine; Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, 15 Wielkopolska Str., 70451 Szczecin, Poland)
V.B. Solovyan
(Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1 Svientsitskii Str., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine)
The problem of microscopic description of low-temperature phases in ferro-antiferroelectric mixed compounds is discussed. Those phases (ferro-, antiferroelectric and dipole glass) are interpreted based on the specific distributions for single and pair correlation functions in a non-ergodic thermodynamic system. Phase diagram and dielectric susceptibility of a mixed system are obtained and analyzed.
Key words:
ferroelectrics, solid mixtures, phase diagram, dipole glass
75.10.Hk, 77.22.Ch, 77.84.F
Comments: Figs. 2, Refs. 19, Tabs. 0