Condensed Matter Physics, 2009, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 215-223
Electric properties of the interface quantum dot -- matrix
R.M. Peleshchak
(Drohobych Ivan Franko state pedagogical University, 82100 Drohobych, 24 I.Franko Str., Ukraine)
I.Ya. Bachynsky
(Drohobych Ivan Franko state pedagogical University, 82100 Drohobych, 24 I.Franko Str., Ukraine)
A theoretical research is presented concerning the potential distribution and electric field intensity in the InAs/GaAs nanoheterosystem with InAs QDs within the framework of self-consistent electron-deformation model. It is shown that at the strained border between a quantum dot and matrix there is a double electric layer, that is n+- n junction.
Key words:
quantum dots, electron-deformation and electrostatic potentials
68.65.Hb, 73.21.La, 73.63.Kv
Comments: Figs. 4, Refs. 16, Tabs. 0