Condensed Matter Physics, 2009, vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 205-213
Extreme compression behaviour of higher derivative properties of solids based on the generalized Rydberg equation of state
J. Shanker
(Department of Physics. Institute of Basic Sciences, Khandari, Agra, 282002, India)
B.P. Singh
(Department of Physics. Institute of Basic Sciences, Khandari, Agra, 282002, India)
K. Jitendra
(Department of Physics. Institute of Basic Sciences, Khandari, Agra, 282002, India)
We have derived formulations for the pressure derivatives of bulk modulus up to the third order and for higher order Grüneisen parameters using the generalized free volume theory, and the generalized Rydberg equation of state. The properties derived in the present study are directly related to the understanding of thermoelastic properties of solids. The third order Grüneisen parameter (lambda λ) in the limit of infinite pressure has been found to approach a positive finite value for lambda infinity (λ∞) equal to 1/3. This is a result shown to be independent of the value of K-prime infinity, i. e., the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus at infinite pressure. The results based on other equations of state have also been reported and discussed. We find a relationship between λ∞ and pressure derivatives of bulk modulus at infinite pressure which is satisfied by different types of equations of state.
Key words:
pressure derivatives of bulk modulus, Gr
65, 64.10.+h, 91.60.Fe, 46.25.4f, 62.20.D, 81.40.Jj, 62.50.-p
Comments: Figs. 0, Refs. 33, Tabs. 0