Condensed Matter Physics, 2006, vol. 9, No. 2(46), p. 319-341, English

Title: Historical and interpretative aspects of quantum mechanics: a physicists' naive approach
  B.Berche (Groupe M, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7556, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, F-54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex, France) ,
  C.Chatelain (Groupe M, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7556, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, F-54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex, France) ,
  C.Dufour (Groupe M, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7556, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, F-54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex, France) ,
  T.Gourieux (Groupe M, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7556, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, F-54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex, France) ,
  D.Karevski (Groupe M, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 7556, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, F-54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex, France)

Many theoretical predictions derived from quantum mechanics have been confirmed experimentally for the last 80 years. However, interpretative aspects have long been subject to debate. Among them, the question of the existence of hidden variables is still open. We review these questions, paying special attention to historical aspects, and argue that one may definitively exclude local realism based on the present experimental outcomes. Nevertheless other interpretations of Quantum Mechanics are not excluded.

Key words: foundations of quantum mechanics, EPR, entanglement, hidden variables, no-go theorems, Bell inequalities, Bohm theory
PACS: 01.65.+g, 01.70.+w, 03.65.Ta

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