Condensed Matter Physics, 2005, vol. 8, No. 4(44), p. 785-792, English
Thermal fluctuations of director orientation in nematic liquid
crystals with inclusions
| A.N.Vasil'ev
(Taras Shevchenko Kiev University, Physics
Department, 2 Glushkov Prosp., Building 1, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine)
| I.P.Pinkevich
(Taras Shevchenko Kiev University, Physics
Department, 2 Glushkov Prosp., Building 1, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine;
School of Physics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052,
We investigate thermal fluctuations of order parameters (director
for mesomorphic subsystem and density for isomorphic liquid) in
filled liquid crystal. We consider finite-size system with
geometry of plane-parallel layer with zero boundary condition. We
use a special model that takes into account the interaction of
mesomorphic and isotropic subsystems and find general expressions
for pair correlators. Based on these expressions we calculate the
shift of critical temperature of isotropic liquid due to the
interaction with the mesomorphic subsystem and space limitation.
Key words:
liquid crystal, impurity, pair correlation, critical
61.30.-v, 61.30.Gd, 64.70.Md