Condensed Matter Physics, 2005, vol. 8, No. 4(44), p. 773-778, English
Excitation spectrum and electrical properties of the condensate of
Bose atoms
| A.M.Kosevich
(B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and
Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47, Lenin
Avenue, Kharkiv, 61103 Ukraine)
It is shown that the condensate of a degenerated Bose gas consisting
of neutral atoms possesses electrical properties which differ from
a trivial polarization of the atoms in the electric field. A
notion of an isotropic quadrupole moment (IQM) of a neutral atom
is introduced. A distribution of IQM reflects a specific spatial
ordering in the condensate and produces a distribution of the
electric potential. Small vibrations of the Bose gas are
considered and a correction to the Bogoliubov spectrum of
elementary excitations in the degenerated Bose gas is obtained. An
additional term in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which is
responsible for such a correction is found and a new type of the
nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NSE) is constructed. Since the
Bose condensate is akin to the superfluid component in He II, a
manifestation of its electrical activity could have a relation to
the electrical activity of the superfluid liquid observed
Key words:
Bose condensate, Bogoliubov spectrum, electrical
polarization of He II
47.27.Eq, 67.40.Db