Condensed Matter Physics, 2022, vol. 25, No. 1, 13703
Resonance pressure of electromagnetic radiation on metal nanoparticle
N. I. Grigorchuk
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 14-b Metrologichna Street, Kyiv-143, Ukraine, 03143)
The influence of the electromagnetic irradiation pressure on a spheroidal metallic nanoparticle at the frequencies close to the surface plasmon vibrations has been considered.
With the action of the radiation pressure, the polarizability of metal nanoparticle becomes a tensor quantity. The expressions for the resonance pressure components
for the cases of plane-polarized and circularly polarized light have been derived. We have demonstrated that the resonance pressure can substantially depend on the
shape of a non-spherical nanoparticle and its orientation with respect to the direction of light propagation and the light polarization.
Key words:
metal nanoparticles, plasmon resonance, pressure of electromagnetic irradiation, light polarization