Taras Patsahan
Research Deputy Director of the
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Head of the Department of Soft Matter Theory,
1 Svientsitskii Str., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine
tel.: +38 032 2760614
fax.: +38 032 2761158
e-mail: tarpa icmp.lviv.ua
Scientific area of interest:
Theory and computer simulations of fluids in the bulk and confinement: simple liquids and ionic solutions, nematic systems and associative fluids, aqueous solutions, polymer melts and brushes, proteins
Representative recent publications:
- Zholobko O., Hammed A., Zakharchenko A., Borodinov N., Luzinov I., Urbanowicz B., Patsahan T., Ilnytskyi J.,
Minko S., Pryor S.W., Voronov A., Biomimetic cellulosomes assembled on molecular brush scaffolds: random complexes vs enzyme mixtures,
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2021, 3, 1840-1853.
- Kuroki H., Gruzd A., Tokarev I., Patsahan T., Ilnytskyi J., Hinrichs K., Minko S., Biofouling-resistant porous membranes with a precisely adjustable pore diameter via 3D polymer grafting, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 1120, 18268-18275.
- Hvozd M., Patsahan T., Holovko M., Isotropic-nematic transition and demixing behaviour in binary mixtures of hard spheres and hard spherocylinders confined in a disordered porous medium: scaled particle theory,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2018, 122, 5534-5546.
- Holovko M.F., Patsahan O., Patsahan T., Vapour-liquid phase diagram for an ionic fluid in a random porous medium,
J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 2016, 28, 414003.
- Ilnytskyi J., Patsahan T., Pizio O., On the properties of the curcumin molecule in water. Exploration of the OPLS - United atom model by molecular dynamics computer simulation,
J. Mol. Liq., 2016, 223, 707-715.