Luisen Gonzalez
Associate Professor, Dept. Fisica Teorica
Universidad de Valladolid,
Prado de la Magdalena s/n 47011 Valladolid, Spain
tel.: +34 983423599
fax.: +34 983423013
e-mail: luisen
Scientific area of interest:
Structural and dynamical properties of bulk liquid metals and alloys:
theory, classical simulations, orbital-free ab initio simulations and Kohn-Sham ab initio simulations.
Free surfaces and interfaces of liquid metals and alloys.
Representative recent publications:
- Anento N., Gonzalez L.E., Gonzalez D.J., Chushak Y., Baumketner A., Viscoelastic model for the dynamic structure factor of binary systems, Phys. Rev. E, 2004, 70, 041201.
- Gonzalez D.J., Gonzalez L.E., Surface structure in simple liquid metals: an orbital-free first
principles study, Phys. Rev. B, 2006, 74, 014207.
- Sengul S., Gonzalez D.J., Gonzalez L.E., Structural and dynamical properties of liquid Mg. An orbital-free
molecular dynamics study, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 2009, 21, 115106.
- Souto J. et al., Investigation of fivefold symmetry at the liquid Pb/Si(001) interface:
An ab initio molecular dynamics study, Phys. Rev. B, 2010, 82, 134118.
- Souto J. et al., Ab initio molecular dynamics study of the static, dynamic, and
electronic properties of liquid Bi near melting using real-space pseudopotentials, Phys. Rev. B, 2010, 81, 134201.