Taras Bryk
Director of the
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
1 Svientsitskii Str., 79011 Lviv, Ukraine
tel.: +38 032 2761978
fax.: +38 032 2761158
e-mail: bryk icmp.lviv.ua
Scientific area of interest:
Collective dynamics in liquids and glasses, solid/liquid interfaces, classical and ab initio computer simulations
Representative recent publications:
- Schirmacher W., Bryk T., Ruocco G., Modeling the instantaneous normal mode spectra of liquids as that of unstable elastic media, PNAS,
2022, 119, e2119288119.
- Huerta A., Bryk T., Pergamenshchik V. M., Trokhymchuk A., Collective dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional hard disk system, Front. Phys., 2021,
9, 636052.
- Bryk T., Pierleoni C., Ruocco G., Seitsonen A. P., Characterization of molecular-atomic transformation in fluid hydrogen under pressure via
long-wavelength asymptote of charge density fluctuations, J. Mol. Liq.,
2020, 312, 113274.
- Bryk T., Demchuk T., Jakse N., Atomistic structure and collective dynamics in liquid Pb along the melting line up to 70 GPa: A first-principles molecular
dynamics study, Phys. Rev. B, 2019, 99, 014201.
- Belonoshko A. B., Fu J., Bryk T., Simak S. I., Mattesini M., Low viscosity of the Earth’s inner core, Nat. Commun., 2019, 10,