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Ivan Vakarchuk (Personal webpage )Ivan Franko National University of LvivIvan Vakarchuk was born on March 6, 1947 in the vill. of Stari Bratushany of Jedynets’ district (now in Moldova). In 1974 he completed his PhD at the Lviv Department of statistical theory of condensed state of the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the NAS of Ukraine SSR (ITP). In 1980 he became one of the youngest doctors habilitated in physics within the USSR. Between 1980--1984 he was the Head of the quantum statistics department in the Lviv Division of ITP. Between 1984--2015 he was the Head of Chair for theoretical physics of the Ivan Franko Lviv State (since 1999 National) University, being the Rector of this university in 1990-2014. From 2007 to 2010 he held the position of Minister of education and science of Ukraine. His scientific interests include statistical physics, fundamental problems of quantum mechanics and quantum information, mathematical methods of theoretical physics, general relativity and theory of stellar spectra. |
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Aleksander Olemskoi (Personal webpage )Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of UkraineAlexandr Olemskoi was born on September 19, 1949 in the village of Ekatirinovka, Voronezh province in Russia. He graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnical Institute and defended his PhD in 1977. In 1987 at the Moscow State University he defended his thesis for the degree of a Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1988 he started working in the Sumy division of the Institute of Physics of Metals, NAS of Ukraine (now – the Institute of Applied Physics). Since 1995 he has been the head of the Chair for Electronics of Sumy State University and in 2006 he was appointed head of the Laboratory of Microstructural Research of Reactor Materials of the Institute of Applied Physics. Olemkoi was awarded the title of Soros professor and Pekar Prize of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine. He received the honorary title of a Recipient of the Order of Merit in Science and Technology. The field of scientific interests of Olemskoi concerns many aspects of statistical physics, such as fractals in condensed matter, spin glasses and complex systems. He passed away on August 3, 2011. |
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Oksana Patsahan (Personal webpage )Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of UkraineOksana Patsahan was born 15 February, 1956 in Kremenets, Ternopil region, Ukraine. She graduated from Physical Department of Ivan Franko Lviv State University in 1978 and received her PhD from Kiev State University in 1988. She completed her Doctoral of Sciences degree in theoretical physics in 2008. Since 1990 she has held a number of research positions at the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, as a Leading Researcher since 2009. She is a member of the Learned Council of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, the Shevchenko Scientific Society and Ukrainian Physical Society. Her research interests include statistical mechanics of multicomponent continuous systems, theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, theory of ionic fluids, theory of liquids under confinement. |
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Mykola Shpot (Personal webpage )Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of UkraineMykola Shpot born on August 2, 1960 in Lviv, Ukraine. In 1982 he obtained a MSc in radiophysics and electronics from Lviv State University. In 1990 he completed his PhD in theoretical physics at the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS Ukraine, Lviv, subsequently obtaining a permanent position within the Institute. Soon after, between February-April in 1991, he visited the CEN Saclay working with C. Bervillier. In 1993--1994 he was awarded a Fellowship by an Alexander von Humbold. This started his collaboration with H. W. Diehl at the University of Essen, which permanently continued until 2011. Mykola Shpot's current interests mainly concern the study of mathematics, in particular special functions. He has published papers with prominent contemporary mathematicians such as H.M. Srivastava, R.B. Paris and T.K. Pogány. |
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Bohdan Andriyevskyy (Personal webpage )Koszalin University of TechnologyBohdan Andriyevsky was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 November 1950. He received his PhD from the Ivan Franko Lviv State University in 1980 and completed his Doctoral of Science degree there in 1996. Since 2001 Andriyevsky has been a professor at the Koszalin University of Technology in Poland. Between 2005--2011 he was involved in the experimental studies of optical properties of crystals using the ellipsometry method and synchrotron radiation in the synchrotron BESSY II, Berlin, Germany. Between 2007--2017 has was involved in the theoretical density functional theory (DFT) based computational studies of structural stability and physical properties of crystals with scientists from Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. His main research interests concern the studies of crystals and surfaces using the DFT computational methods, crystals with phase transitions, optical properties of crystals. He is an author of about 250 articles in journals and conference materials. |