Information letter No 4
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soft condensed matter (ionic and molecular liquids, disordered systems, polymers); |
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critical phenomena; |
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solid state physics (ferromagnets, ferroellectrics, semiconductors, hydrogen bonded systems, high -Tc superconductors); |
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plasma physics. |
Programme and lectures are available in two formats:
PDF and PS
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, 4 Kozelnyts'ka Str., Conference Hall |
9.30 - 9.45 |
Opening I.R.Yukhnovskii, R.Vardapetian, A.P.Shpak |
Session Chairman: O.G. Sytenko | |
9.45 - 10.20 |
M.F.Holovko, Lviv The multidensity integral equation approach in the theory of ionic and complex liquids |
10.20 - 10.55 |
K.Heinzinger, Mainz On the hydration of ions |
10.55 - 11.30 |
I.R.Yukhnovskii, M.V.Tokarchuk, Lviv Physical processes in the fuel containing masses interacting with aqueous solutions in the ``Shelter'' object |
11.30 - 11.50 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: A.Kosevich | |
11.50 - 12.25 |
E.Krotscheck, K.Schoerkhuber, Linz Single particle and Fermi liquid properties of $^3$He-$^4$He mixtures: microscopic approach |
12.25 - 13.00 |
I.O.Vakarchuk, Lviv On the Bose-Einstein condensation in superfluid He$^4$ |
13.00 - 13.35 |
J.F.Reading, Texas The role of dynamic correlation in a time developing system |
13.40 - 14.30 | Lunch |
Session Chairman: Z.O.Gurskii | |
14.30 - 15.05 |
I.F.Goutych, A.G.Sitenko, A.G.Zagorodny, Kyiv P.P.J.-M.Schram, Eindhoven Magnetic field fluctuation spectra in a plasma with fluid-like random motions |
15.05 - 15.40 |
P.P.J.-M.Schram, Eindhoven Dynamics of colloidal crystals |
15.40 - 16.15 |
M.Cieplak, Warsaw Kinetics of protein folding |
16.15 - 16.35 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: P.P.J.-M.Schram | |
16.35 - 16.55 |
S.Katletz, U.M.Titulaer, Linz A statistical model for antibody-antigen binding |
16.55 - 17.15 |
V.M.Tkachuk, Lviv Quasi-exactly solvable potentials with two known eigenstates |
17.15 - 17.35 |
A.Shimkevich, Obninsk Fluctuation theory for non-homogeneous melts |
17.35 - 17.55 |
I.P.Omelyan, M.V.Tokarchuk, Lviv Generalized dipolar modes of a Stockmayer fluid |
17.55 - 18.15 |
O.I.Gerasimov, A.N.Kilyan, Odesa P.P.J.-M.Schram, Eindhoven Kinetic model of ordered colloidal suspensions |
18.20 - 19.00 | Dinner |
19.00 - 21.00 |
Poster Session: Soft condensed matter, plasma physics Chairmen: K.Heinzinger, A.Zagorodny Critical phenomena Chairmen: R.Folk, Yu.Vysochanskii Solid state physics Chairmen: M.Kharchenko, E.Schachinger |
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, 1 Svientsitskii Str., Conference Hall |
Session Chairman: I.R.Yukhnovskii | |
9.30 - 10.05 |
H.W.Diehl, Essen Critical behaviour at interfaces |
10.05 - 10.40 |
C. von Ferber, Tel Aviv Collapse of polyampholytes |
10.40 - 11.15 |
M.P.Kozlovskii, I.R.Yukhnovskii, Lviv Microscopic approach for description of the critical behaviour of 3D systems |
11.15 - 11.35 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: J.F.Reading | |
11.35 - 12.10 |
R.Folk, G.Moser, Linz Critical sound in fluids and mixtures |
12.10 - 12.45 |
Yu.Vysochanskii, Uzhgorod Critical behaviour and relaxation effects at the phase transitions in ferroelectrics with semiconductor and ionic conductivity |
12.45 - 13.20 |
T.Dietl, Warsaw Ferromagnetic transition in diluted magnetic semiconductors |
13.25 - 14.25 | Lunch |
Session Chairman: U.M.Titulaer | |
14.30 - 15.05 |
A.Kosevich, Kharkiv Soliton complex dynamics in nonlinear dispersive media |
15.05 - 15.40 |
O.V.Bystrenko, A.G.Zagorodny, Kyiv Critical phenomena in strongly coupled plasmas and dusty crystal formation |
15.40 - 16.05 |
I.V.Baryakhtar, Kharkiv Kinetic equations for solitons in Sine-Gordon and nonlinear Schr"odinger equations |
16.05 - 16.35 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: H.W.Diehl | |
16.35 - 16.55 |
F.Schinagl, R.Folk, H.Iro, Linz Multicritical behaviour in magnetic fluids |
16.55 - 17.15 |
I.M.Mryglod, S.Dubyk, Yu.K.Rudavskii, Lviv R.Folk, Linz Hydrodynamic time correlation functions of a Heisenberg model ferrofluid |
17.15 - 17.35 |
C. von Ferber, Tel Aviv Yu.Holovatch, Lviv Scaling exponents for copolymer networks and stars |
17.35 - 17.55 |
M.Shpot, Lviv A.Drewitz, Essen Real-space propagator and layer susceptibility at the extraordinary transition |
17.55 - 18.15 |
O.Myshchyshyn, B.Andriyevsky, M.O.Romaniuk, Lviv Critical indices of the ferroelectric phase transition in TGS crystals |
19.15 - 21.30 | Get-together party |
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, 1 Svientsitskii Str., Conference Hall |
Session Chairman: V.Litovchenko | |
9.30 - 10.00 |
I.V.Stasyuk, Lviv Local anharmonic effects in high-$T_c$ superconductors |
10.05 - 10.40 |
E.Schachinger, Graz Optical conductivity in superconductors with mixed symmetry order parameter |
10.40 - 11.15 |
E.A.Pashitskii, Kyiv Charge density fluctuations and gap symmetry in high-$T_c$ superconductors with extended saddle-point features in the electron spectrum |
11.15 - 11.35 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: S.Ryabchenko | |
11.35 - 12.10 |
M.S.Brodyn, S.G.Shevel, V.V.Tyshchenko, Kyiv Experimental studies of the dynamics of excitons in II-VI semiconductors (bulk crystals and epilayers) |
12.10 - 12.45 |
M.F.Kharchenko, Kharkiv Magnetic field induced structural transformations in the paramagnetic Jahn-Teller crystals of the double alkali rare-earth molybdates |
12.45 - 13.20 |
V.G.Litovchenko, A.A.Efremov, Kyiv The enhanced catalytic dissociation of adsorbed hydrogen containing molecules |
13.25 - 14.25 | Lunch |
Session Chairman: T.Dietl | |
14.25 - 15.00 |
S.M.Ryabchenko, Kyiv Magnetooptical investigation of quantum-dimensional structures on the basis of semimagnetic semiconductors |
15.00 - 15.35 |
M.V.Tkach, Chernivtsi Quasiparticles in complicated quantum well of nanosizes |
15.35 - 15.55 | Coffee Break |
Session Chairman: I.V.Stasyuk | |
15.55 - 16.15 |
R.R.Levitskii, R.O.Sokolovskii, Lviv Relaxation dynamics of disordered Ising-like models |
16.15 - 16.35 |
I.V.Brovchenko, Kyiv Doped molecular crystals as erasable optical information storage |
16.35 - 16.55 |
V.T.Shvets, Odesa Hall effect in disordered transition metals |
16.55 - 17.15 |
Z.O.Gurskii, Lviv J.Krawczyk, Opole How does one extract many-body interatomic potentials from ab-initio band structure calculations? |
17.15 - 17.40 | Closing Session |